Breed Standard
1. Kategori Longhair
2. Kategori Semi Longhair
3. Kategori Shorthair
4. Kategori SIA/ORI
5. Kategori Hairless
1. Istilah Dalam Felinologi
2. Bagian Bagian Tubuh Kucing
3. Kesalahan atau Fault dalam Standard Kucing
4. Kriteria Penilaian Kucing
5. Point Dan Tittle
6. Point System
1. Distribusi Warna
2. Marking
3. Solid
4. Tortie (Tortieshell)
5. Bicolour
6. Tricolour
7. Smoke
8. Smoke With White
9. Tabby
10. Tabby With White
11. Silver Tabby, Silver Shaded, Silver Shell (Chincila) (1)
12. Silver Tabby, Silver Shaded, Silver Shell (Chincila) 2
13. Golden Tabby, Golden Shaded, Golden Shell (Chincila)
14. Point
15. Point With White
16. Smoke Point
17. Smoke Point With White
18. Tabby Point
19. Tabby Point With White
20. Silver Point
21. Silver Tabby Point With White
22. Ticked Tabby
23. Genetic Model For Colour